Research Invitation for Colleges
Would your college like to improve support for students who have experienced sexual violence?
Opportunity for colleges with students who are at least 16 years old:
I’m a psychologist and dramatherapist, currently conducting research on young people’s support needs as a doctoral researcher at the University of Sussex. There is an opportunity for colleges to take part in a research project in this academic year. The research will be:
- Facilitated: By a psychologist & doctoral researcher experienced in working with young people on issues of sexual violence.
- Participatory: The research process will be tailored to the specific needs of your students and staff.
- Accessible: Options for participation include surveys, interviews, focus groups and workshops.
- Supported: Participating colleges will receive a free staff training session.
- Applied: Findings will be shared throughout the research process and used directly to improve support.
If you are interested in bringing this project to your college, please use the contact form to send me a message. I would be happy to send you more details and arrange a meeting to discuss this further.